Friday 20 February 2015

LHB gets personal

So I was planning for this to be the first blog post of my shiny new website but it’s having a few technical niggles at the moment so rather than lose the momentum of my new blogging efforts, I’m posting it anyway.  I’ve loving my new enthusiasm for blogging, but he trouble is there are a million things I want to cover so I shall have to resist the urge to waffle on about everything and attempt to keep some focus.

It's all about me...

I’ve generally tried to keep personal and business stuff separate so far but maybe more about me and why I’m doing what I’m doing may help with building an online rapport and bring more of a personality to the business so why not!

A girly girl I am not; never have been.  No brothers or sisters so male cousins were my usual playmates when I was younger.  I was much happier rooting around in the pond for frogs than dressing dolls so maybe it shouldn’t have been a surprise when I found a love for heavy music and heavy weights!  I’m also not a subscriber to the princess mentality; I need to make and take responsibility for my own future rather than wait around for someone to ride in on a rainbow unicorn and hand it to me on a sparkly platter.

So here I am.  Been into lifting heavy iron things since 2008, and whilst I’m not ready to step on stage in a sparkly bikini (and realistically never will be!) I’m reasonably happy with where I have got to.  There a lot of phases of motivation where I want to live in the gym mixed with periods where I’m a lot more random with it.  But the one thing that stays pretty constant is food and what I call my non-negotiables.

Random illness issues a challenge

Obligatory random cartoon reference
Let’s back up a bit, to 2008 when I’d recently found my love for the gym, was doing well at uni and had also found a good bloke too (which is always a bonus!).  All was going smoothly when I acquired a random lump on my bum.  Never a great thing to find, especially when you have no idea what the heck it is and it keeps growing to the size of a golf ball!  Eventually it went, but then more appeared in other places too.  Cue numerous trips to the docs and a variety of suggestions as to what it was (insect bite, bed bugs, MRSA(!)) but nothing to actually help apart from various courses of long term antibiotics. Which didn’t actually help.  Brilliant.  So after a few months of putting up with more random lumpiness in various places I did what any self-respecting inhabitant of the 21st Century does and consulted Dr Google.  Always a bit of a 50/50 scenario as to whether you’ll find the info you need or just convince yourself you’re one of the 8 people in the world with a rare tropical disease.  Luckily for me it was the former and I knew what I was dealing with.  Well it was good and bad at the same time as it turned out to be something potentially very horrible, lifelong and painful generally without any successful cures.  Again, brilliant.  I had a new nemesis which I needed to deal with; Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) was it’s name and I knew that I needed to move away from conventional medicine to beat it into submission.  Which I did.  Go me (*shakes pom poms).

Food is power

Again, anyone who knows me knows that I love to eat.  Lots.  If I went out for a meal there would generally be 3 courses usually with a pint of lager (just in case you were doubting my non-girliness).  I could eat a lot of people under the table and I liked it; food made me happy.  But having this hideous illness didn’t so something had to give and I took that hard initial first step of realising things had to change and made the conscious decision to change what I ate.  I started off fairly conventionally by just cutting down on the ‘obvious’ junk stuff, followed the general healthy eating guidelines but kept on with bread, diet drinks, margarine, 1% fat milk etc.  That didn’t really cut it though so I consulted Dr Google again and came across some HS groups where people had realised that a certain group of foods had been affecting them and cutting them out had seen results.  So it was bye bye nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes, and peppers mainly) along with continuing to cut out the junk and there were results.  I was a lot less lumpy than I had been in a few years.  As elimination diets recommend, I tried to reintroduce these foods over time and it turned out that it was just potatoes which affected me so tomatoes and peppers were back on the menu again.  I’m sure a lot of people can relate to the feeling I had of ‘yay I know how to sort my problems’ mixed with ‘wwwaaahhh, I can never eat my all time favourite food (chips) again’.  But my non-princessiness kicked in, I took a dose of Woman Up and just got on with it.  We are now at 16 months since a chip last passed my lips.

However, although the lumpiness was definitely less frequent, for some bizarre reason it had moved to my eyelash follicles (I know, WTF is that all about!) and whenever I got a lump it was right there for all to see (quite literally!) so there was still work to be done.  I decided just to go for broke and cut out anything processed and hey presto; Me 1, HS 0.  That is how I have stayed for the last year and a bit and I can honestly say that 99% of the time I really don’t miss my old way of eating.  Why would I when it came with such horrible baggage?  The 1% is just the time when I really fancy fish and chips, or a bakewell tart or a chunk of French stick to accompany my butter, but I very rarely give in because it just isn’t worth it.  Case in point, we went on a caravan holiday last year so food options were a bit limited.  I went along with everyone else’s food a few times (Shreddies, wholemeal bread and wholemeal pasta – nothing major) and a couple of days after coming home I had a new eye beastie which took over a week to get rid of.  Not doing that again!

Which brings me back to my non-negotiables I mentioned earlier.  No matter how tired I am, how many hundreds of jobs I have to do, how little food there seems to be in the house, I will not eat rubbish.  It just isn’t worth it to me.  Instead of having a cheese sandwich, bag of crisps and a bar of chocolate for lunch, I’d rather play a game of ‘freezer bingo’ and end up with a random assortment of frozen leftovers because I know it won’t make me ill. 

6 months post baby - plus about 2 stone
It’s probably also worth mentioning that I have had a weight loss journey in the past too.  Whilst pregnant with my now 3 year old daughter, I ate anything that wasn’t nailed now.  I was allowed to right?!  So when she was born I had an extra 3 stone of lard I needed to lose.  I tried a few different things; Weight Watchers (my previous blog post lets you know how I feel about WW now!), the 5:2 diet and general calorie counting which got me so far, but it still didn’t solve the health problems even if I had lost a couple of stone.  In March 2014 I embarked on a 9 week Body Transformation which I got on pretty well with and it helped me realise the way I need and want to eat long term.  Ideally, I’d probably go with a Paleo approach but as I do still love food I tend to go about 80% Paleo and just add in a few carb options too.

So that’s my history and the reason why I started LHB; to try and help other people improve their health and get elements of their life back by changing what they eat and how they live.  I’m not going to pretend it’s plain sailing for everyone; there are demons and circumstances which make it hard but I’m also not going to make excuses.  You’ve just got to suck it up and get on with it.  The person in charge of your future health is you and you are the one who will make or break it.  If you need help then that is what LHB is here for; to give you a programme to make the changes in a way which maximises the chances of you keeping it going long term.  We are also here to get the word out that healthy is the new skinny.  What’s the point of fitting into that size 8 bikini if you feel rubbish inside? Our programmes focus on getting you to a healthy place first, and then looking at the weight loss once you have got the right habits embedded to take forward.

Anyhoo, enough of the marketing spiel, I’m off to turn up the Rammstein, throw some heavy things around and eat some good food.  Wanna join me?